I had my first psychic reading the other week and it kicked my ass… In the best possible way.
It was a HUGE reality check.
I’ve wanted a reading for ages, but had never found the right person…That's a lie, I just hadn’t really looked. Anyway, the incredible Allira Potter had been popping up in my socials through mutual friends, so I thought, fuck it, let’s do this.
I needed it. Currently – there are a few things in my life that I wanted guidance on, because life isn't all sunshine and roses and there are some huge shifts playing out in my inner and outer world. Truth me told, if I actually listened to my intuition properly and stopped ignoring her, I’d know the answer, but maybe I just wanted to be validated in my thoughts and opinions.
I went into the reading thinking – let’s see how good this chick is. I’m not going to say anything and let’s see what she comes up with… and let me tell you… Absolutely everything she said was spot on!
While I’m not going to share everything, because, well, some things are private, I do want to share the key takeaways from our session, because as Allira said “Stop preaching to everyone else and start doing it yourself!”. So it's time for me to start taking my own advice.. and ACTUALLY do it!
Before we even started the reading she said, “I feel like you’re a workhorse, you need to slow down”. Ummm… fuck… Is she inside my head?
I’ve been having conversations with my coach about this for a while and thought I had slowed down, but I really hadn’t, and my health deteriorated because of it. Surprise. Surprise.
I can’t serve anyone if my cups not full. If I’m not sleeping. If I'm not eating properly. If I don’t have a healthy balance of yin and yang. If I don’t STOP!!!!!
And it’s something I tell all of my clients. We can’t force things to happen. Sometimes we just need to stop, surrender and allow things to be.
So… here are 5 key takeaways from my reading that everyone needs to hear.
Yep! Abso-fucking-lutely.
First lockdown, hardly went anywhere. When restrictions lifted, I started going to a few waterfalls and stuff, but it was drive there, do the walk, “this is pretty” come home. I wasn’t stopping. I wasn’t appreciating nature for all that it is.
So I went for a drive by myself, sat on the edge of a mountain and just stopped. Just allowed myself to not worry about being somewhere and just listened.
I also noticed that once restrictions were lifted, I was training at the gym at 6am, and then not going outside all day. Not seeing any sunshine! Of course I feel fucking tired.
So being outside, in nature, without time pressures a couple of times a week is something I'm prioritising.
Take care of #1. That’s me!
And it aligns so much with getting out in nature, but it also means rest.
I needed to rest. I needed to sleep. I needed to meditate. I needed to switch my brain off.
I’d been a bit stressed, super busy and living in a state of avoidance, so I wasn’t giving my body a chance to heal because I was constantly living in a state of high energy using adrenaline.
My recent doctors bills are evidence of that. I also had to take time off work, which I felt SO guilty about. But I knew, if I wanted to get better, I needed to take care of me.
I made food, rest and light movement a priority. And surprise surprise… after 4 days feel like a new woman.
Well, if living in 2020 isn’t adapting to change, I don’t know what is.
But, for me, this meant so much more. I knew part of me was trying to hang on to the ‘old’ ways, trying to stay in control of certain elements of life because everything else felt like such a shit show. Which is not serving or supporting me in anyway.
If I want to THRIVE, if I want to step into my dream life, it’s all about adapting to change. It’s all about going with the flow and following my intuition.
With this, also comes a sense of searching for what feels good. What lights me up. What is going to make me truly happy. My life is really great... I’m not going to lie. It really is. But what else can I bring in!?
Maybe I’m selfish, or maybe I’m just unapologetic in what I want… and what I want is MORE! I want more of everything. MORE connection. MORE love. MORE service. MORE abundance. I want more..
For so many years I would never say that out loud because people would laugh at me, or think I'm stupid or judge me. I don't care for these people anymore.
It’s completely ok to ask for what I want! Because that feels really fucking good to me right now, and why should I ‘settle’ for less than I know I am worthy of. We never grow if we never try, so I'm all in for change.
AKA – Let your guard down and let people in.
Those who have been following along for a while know that for a long time, I never let anyone into my inner world. It took a whole lotta work for me to do that, and I’m now very open with my story and my past. It's what’s made me, me – and I think I’m pretty alright.
What this means for me now, is that I need to let my guard down and trust my intuition. Not just hear what she has to say, but to actually listen.
To open up and allow myself to crack wide open. To embrace everything that comes at me. Some will be good, some will be bad – but that’s ok. In order to grow, we need to embrace everything.
Some people tell us to only focus on the positives. Ignore the negatives. Shut it down.
I say bullshit to that.
You don’t become friends with your shadow if you ignore all of the parts of you that you don’t necessarily like. You don’t grow if you never experience pain or difficulty. You don’t learn if you never try anything new.
So I’m stepping into complete trust. If my gut is telling me something, I’m actually going to listen. Rather than finding reasons not to do it, I'm just gonna go for it.
Life is one big reflection right?! It’s our biggest teacher.
We all have stories to share, and no one can share your story, because it's yours.
I share my story to let other people know they aren’t alone, and while I will never pretend to know exactly how you’re feeling or what you’re experiencing (because we are all different), I’ve got your back.
I’m not perfect. Lol. No one is.
But my messiness, my mistakes, my fuck ups, my pain have taught me so much. In the same way that all my highs, laughs and moments of complete bliss have. And I want to share that with you. I want to share anything that's going to help you.
So, with that being said, if there is anything you want me to talk more about or share, comment below or send me a message on social media and I’ll share more with you.