Download 'Journal Prompts to Help Overcome Adversity'
You're here because you know there is more to life than what you currently have and how you currently feel.
You've lost the spark that makes you "YOU". You want to reignite your spark and start living your life with purpose.
You want to build amazing relationships, both with yourself and your loved ones.
You want to wake up in the morning smiling, feeling free and most importantly, loving the person you are.
To achieve all of this, it involves checking in with yourself, letting your guard down, really allowing yourself to be 'seen', letting go of your fear of being judged and letting go of what's been holding you back.
I hear you saying "This sounds amazing. But it's so hard"...
Guess What... That's why I'm here!
I'm Jaci Rogash. Certified Transformation Coach, Writer and Speaker.
I work with strong, independent women who have faced trauma or significant adversity in the past that affects the way they live their life today. They are ready to overcome their negative self-talk, build better relationships (with themselves and others) and start believing in themselves so they can clear the roadblocks holding them back from living the life they dream of and discover a genuine happiness they've never known.
I also work with female teens who are lacking in self-confidence and struggle with body image. They want to live each day not caring about what other people think of them, they want to feel good in their clothes and most of all, they want to love themselves.

You're a little bit scared (because this shit is scary), and you aren't quite sure where to start.
I'm here to help you fall in love with yourself and your life.
I'll be your cheerleader and have your back every step of the way. It may not be easy. And it might be a little bit scary. But gosh it will be worth it!!

I've experienced times when I didn't love myself. When I've judged my body harshly. When I thought I had lots of friends, but really didn't have any meaningful ones. I've hit rock bottom - a couple of times.
BUT I chose to turn that all around.
When I was 15, I was the victim of a sexual assault. I spent the next 8 months hating myself, contemplating suicide, and when I looked to the future, all I saw was darkness. I kept all of this to myself and I didn't like paying myself attention, so I spent extra time and effort making sure everyone else was happy.
I grew up in Country Victoria (AUS), and led a fairly destructive life because that was what felt normal for me. I entered an extremely toxic relationship with a man who manipulated me daily, broke into my parents house and stalked me. I knew I needed to get away from that environment, so I moved to Melbourne (AUS). I worked in recruitment for 3.5 years and knew that wasn't what I wanted to do. I'd always had a calling to be a police officer, because this meant I could "help" people.
In 2011, I joined the Police and absolutely loved it. I'd found my place, or so I thought. I worked hard and loved being a cop, but I didn't realise I had developed a very tough, almost cold front. I never let anything get to me emotionally and was very good at blocking anything that might hurt or upset me.
In 2016, my career and life (as I had pictured it) changed forever. I spent 12 months in a similar dark place as when I was 15, except this time it was worse. I had all the trauma from 15 years ago (that I hadn't dealt with), on top of everything else. I wanted to end my life.
The thing that stopped me... My partner and my family. I knew that it would be devastating for them, which meant I couldn't go through with it.
I had a problem. I was in a horrible place in life, with seemingly no way out, but I knew there had to be more to life. I wanted to turn the lowest point of my life, into my biggest strength and my turning point. I wanted to step out of the shadows and start living the life I knew I deserved.
Just like you.

For the first time in my life, I was the most important person in the world. I spent time working and focusing on "ME".
I got a coach and psychologist and I got to work. I had never done so much personal development in my life. This also involved getting in touch with a spiritual side I never knew I had. I was finally able to see that life could be peaceful and calm and I could genuinely love myself - scars and all.
I always knew I wanted to help people, but only by hitting rock bottom, did I realise that it was meant to be in an empowering, heart-centred, positive and guiding way.
I realise the reason I have been through everything I have, is so I can help you overcome the obstacles in your life. I want you to see your own value, love your body, build amazing relationships, find peace within yourself, chase your dreams and allow yourself to be YOU.
Life can be really f*&%ing hard, but the AMAZING news...
I've come out the other side stronger, happier, more self-aware and more in love with myself and my life than ever before. Paying myself the attention I deserved allowed me to discover what I am meant to be doing, which is helping YOU become the person you've always wanted to be.
So... I'm grateful for the hard times because they've made me who I am today, and they've led me to you.

I love exercising and keeping fit. I grew up playing many sports, and now, if I don't exercise for a few days, I can become a bit of a grump. It's a form of meditation for me. It's something I do because I love it and I know how beneficial it is.
I'm a country girl. Give me camping under the stars and water skiing (or anything outdoors) and I'm the happiest girl in the world.
I love people. I genuinely want people to be happy and be able to live their true life.
I say it how it is. If the hard questions need to be asked, I'll ask them. If someone needs an accountability buddy or to be challenged I'm your girl. I do this because I care.
If you've been reading this, feeling inspired and ready to change your life, but that little voice is saying "I can't do that". Let me tell you: YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN!
You deserve to live your life how it suits YOU.
You deserve to be HAPPY.
My coaching combines personal experiences, strategies I've learnt along the way and my training as a life coach.
It would be an absolute honour to work with you while you chase your dreams of living a life you truly love.
If my story resonate with you and you want to know more, you can learn more about working with me here; or email me at jaci@jacirogash.com to find out more and ask any questions you might have.
I'd love to hear from you.