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You're so over just 'getting through life'
You're ready to  

It's time to take back your life!


That sounds nice in theory, right? 


But when you think of all the shit you’ve gone through to get to this point in your life, you just feel exhausted.


Because let’s face’re no stranger to the challenges and shit shows that life has handed you so far.


I know it has NOT been a walk in the park.

Your reality does NOT feel like you’re living a fairytale!


So when you see other people talking about how much they LOVE their lives, you wanna call bullshit. After all, is it really possible to wake up every day feeling full to the brim and ready to bounce into your day? Is it really a ‘thing’ to feel love and connection between everyone around you?...Really?!


Surely that’s just for people that already have more than you... more money, more time and more loved ones in their life that have their back no matter what!?


In fact, when you think about your life at the moment - your relationships, your day-to-day, the world around you and your place in it - you feel disconnected, confused, anxious and frustrated.


"Is this what it’s always going to feel like?"


"Is this going to be my reality forever?"


You’ve tried to make some positive changes before. You've picked up some books and maybe even listened to a few podcasts to 'help' you move forward.


But when you apply new ideas to your own life it feels like you’re playing a game of snakes and ladders — one step forward always seems to land you 10 squares back.


In the end, it only leaves you feeling more helpless. 



But, you still hear that quiet voice telling you

“there's gotta be something more for me...right?!”


Any of this sound familiar?


I know it does, because I’ve been exactly where you are... and let me tell you beauty, it's time to 'take back your life'.


It was at that point that I knew something had to change. 


I knew that something was me. How was I going to change? I had no clue.


All I knew was that I wanted and needed *more* for myself.


I was sick of dealing with the same old shit that only dug me deeper and deeper into my rut. Things like—

     ...worrying about what other people thought or said about me

     ...listening to the voice in my head telling me that I couldn’t change and that I wasn’t good enough to have what I want

     ...constantly self-sabotaging my life whenever I seemed to be making progress

     ...feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders and constantly having stress in my life


I spent years working on myself to finally overcome my negative self-talk, build better relationships (with myself and those around me),  and start believing in myself. And during the process, I discovered a genuine happiness I honestly never thought was possible.  


I decided to learn how to help others create this for themselves, and completed my formal coaching training from the best in the world.


These days, nothing lights me up more than helping my clients start to see how incredible they are, and help them realise that life doesn’t have to be so goddamn hard


It’s true: you can’t control everything in life. Sometimes everything goes to shit (sometimes it has to).


I’ve also learnt that 

  • Resilience can be built

  • Your past can *actually* make you stronger, and

  • We have the ability to not just react to what’s going on around us, but to respond in a way that feels really good.


I know you can make these true for you too.


I want to help you build a life where you actually feel good about yourself and wake up happy and excited to start your day.

Hi, I’m Jaci.

Certified Transformation Coach, Writer, Speaker, activewear extraordinaire and country girl at heart.


I work with high functioning women to help them overcome the hard, 

painful things from their past (and sometimes current lives) so they

can break free from how it affects their everyday lives and finally get

clear on how they can start living their best life. 


And the reason my work is so effective is because I’ve been through

it too.


Six years ago, my life looked VERY different to what you see now.


I was struggling with everything that was happening to me, and to

make things worse, I felt like I had no control over how I reacted to



It all came to a head when I realised I’d lost my career as a police officer - which had become whole identity.


I had a complete and utter meltdown.


My rock-bottom came when I was sitting in the corner on my kitchen floor, with a knife to my wrist, trying to figure out the most considerate way to end my life...  

I was done with life being so fucking hard.

That’s why I’ve designed the program I wish *I* had 5 years ago. Because I want to provide you with the tools, strategies and skills to take back control of your life and thrive.


“Before signing up to Radical Transformation, I had a fear of judgement and a lack in confidence surrounding launching my business and being present in an online forum. I knew Radical Transformation was exactly what I needed after doing Jaci’s 3 day challenge.


My biggest change is my relationship and perspective on FEAR. In 5 weeks, I have come to see fear as a positive sign. When fear shows up, I now know it means that whatever it is I am trying to achieve or do, is clearly important to me and is aligned with my heart + soul. So now I lovingly embrace fear, rather than being stuck or turning away from it. I also gained a deeper awareness and clarity to what my limiting beliefs are, how they came to be and lovingly able to rephrase/challenge these beliefs.


Radical Transformation gave me a deeper awareness, clarity, hope and a belief that I matter, my needs matter and I am worthy of love and everything I desire. I made more progress in 5-weeks through the Radical Transformation group coaching than I have in the last two years of my healing journey. This is because I was completely supported by Jaci and the other women in the group.”


  Sussana Christine


The Transformation Immersion


A 12-week coaching program to reconnect to you, reprioritise your life 

and thrive with more confidence than ever before. 


The Transformation Immersion isn’t just your everyday course, it's a journey. 



Over 12 incredible weeks, you’ll acknowledge and heal the tough experiences in your past that have been keeping you stuck, and finally uncover the kind of life you deserve to be living.


After spending half my life living in a reality that I didn’t love and feeling like I could never achieve what I wanted, I know that this program makes it absolutely possible to overcome your self-doubt and negativity so that you can live the life you’ve been dreaming of for so long.


I’m talking about the kind of life where...


       You're confident in who you are.  

       The things that hurt you in the past and hold you back, no longer bother you

       Life no longer feels like a battleground – it feels like a playground!

       You wake up happy and feel good about yourself both physically and mentally

       You know that you’re capable and deserving of everything you want in life

       The relationships in your life are awesome

       You’re able to completely be yourself, & no longer care about what other people think of you

       You love the person you are, you love your life and finally feel genuinely happy.

       You’re able to let go of a lot of pain, anger, and frustration and replace them with feelings of inner peace and strength

       You can see the road ahead of you and know that you have the tools to create the life you choose


This 12 week course includes actionable steps to get you back on track in the key areas that will transform how you feel about yourself, your future and the world around you.


During our 12 weeks together, you’ll…


  ✔  Understand how to reconnect with yourself (as well as what ‘reconnecting with yourself’ even looks like)

  ✔  Finally *get* that there really are no limits to what’s possible for you (instead of hearing that and thinking “maybe for someone else…”)

  ✔  Challenge and stretch yourself while being cheered on and completely supported every step of the way (because everything in your past has equipped you with what you need to tackle the ‘work’ that you'll be doing inside)

  ✔  Have a better understanding of what you want to do with your life and how you’re going to do it

  ✔  Be confident in your ability to handle any situation

  ✔  Learn what inner strength truly means to you


From day 1, this program will help you get dive into the areas of your life you've been avoiding, meaning you'll finally start believing in yourself and make meaningful change in your life. 

This incredible jam-packed, 12-week intensive program includes:​

   + 6 x fortnightly module training's to expand your mind on the ways in which you can transform your life

   + 6 x fortnightly live Q&A calls where I'll answer any questions you have about the modules

   + 6 x fortnightly live group coaching calls where you will have the opportunity to be coached by me on your unique circumstances

   + Workbooks for you to take notes and complete the actions each fortnight to help you move forward (and to keep as reference points forevermore!)

   + A private Facebook Community where you will have personalised support from me, as well as the amazing women 

      who will be joining you for the training

   + Lifetime access to all future Transformation Immersion courses (including any upgrades and new content)

   + A Welcome and Closing Ceremony



Module 1 is all about what’s going on in your life today that’s brought you here.


You’ll do a stocktake of your life, find out what you love about your life, what’s not so hot and what you secretly want to create for yourself instead (plus the process that will help you uncover what this really is!). 


We also dive into some juicy questions to get you thinking a little different to what you’re used to about everything going on around you.





This part of the program we dig into things that will help you finally make lasting changes.


You know those negative, nasty things you say to yourself all the time that to you, seem like facts? 


Familiar with that self-doubt that creeps in and takes over whenever you attempt to make a change for the better? 


This week we look at WHY you talk to yourself the way you do. Then you’ll learn how to stop it so you can pave a different path and begin to build self-beliefs that supercharge your ability to create a life you love.





The big ‘aha’ moments that have been hitting home since module 1 only pick up speed here in module 3!


You’ll discover what the 6 human needs are before getting *real* insight into how they’re calling the shots in your life here and now.


Once you get clear on the human needs that have been shaping your life up until this point, you’ll then work out what 'needs' of yours have to be reprioritized in order to transform your life. 


By the end of this module, you’ll have a clear view of the direction your life’s going to take from here 






Over the last 6 weeks you've done a lot of *DEEP* work, and one thing that is essential when doing this work is self-care. 


During Module 4 you'll learn about what self-care actually is and how you can implement it into your life with ease, rather than it feeling like a chore. 


This fortnight will also give you a chance to take a little step back, rest and reflect on what you've learnt over the first half of the program. 





This module covers the relationships you have with the people around you but it goes way beyond that too: it dives into the relationship you have with yourself.


That’s right! If you want incredible relationships with the people around you and a life filled with love, it starts with the relationship you have with yourself. 


This module helps you open up and allow yourself to be completely honest with yourself. By the end of this week, you’ll experience a huge change to the way you look at yourself, the relationships in your life right now, and what you want your relationships to look like in the future. 





With all the life-shifting, world-shaking work you’ve done in modules 1-5, now it’s time to truly connect with you, set your intentions, discover what lights you up from the inside and how to fuel that passion. (yeah… no biggie!)


AND of course it’s time to celebrate! We’re going to reflect on everything you’ve learnt, your new way of thinking and being, review the strategies you’ve created and be bloody proud of how much you have achieved in the last 3 month.


You’ll feel like a changed person by the end of these 12 incredible weeks, and that’s worth taking a moment for!

All up, you receive:


  ✔  A jam-packed life-changing 12-week intensive group coaching program to help you transform your life

  ✔  6 x module workshops 

  ✔  6 x module workbooks to help implement what you’ve learnt, and for you to come back to whenever you need 

  ✔  6 x live Q&A sessions with me 

✔  6 x live group coaching calls with me 

  ✔  A Private Facebook community with access to and support from me, and community support from other amazing women just like you

✔  Lifetime access to all future Transformation Immersion programs

  ✔  A welcome and closing ceremony


Total Value: Over $5,000

I know you’ve been feeling the need to make changes in your life for a while now, and I want you to know —


This is where you start.


NOW is the time to say yes to you, yes to your happiness and yes to the life you’ve been dreaming of.

It’s time to rediscover who you are, what you want and finally transform your life.


Let's make 2021 the year you actually Transform Your Life!

Anchor 1



$1,299 AUD

One time payment


6 x module workshops 


6 x module workbooks to help implement what you’ve learnt, and for you to come back to whenever you need 


6 x live Q&A sessions


6 x live group coaching calls


A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you


Lifetime access to future Radical Transformation courses. 


Total Value: Over $5,000


      3 x $449 AUD 


6 x $225 AUD

Monthly Payments

6 x module workshops 


6 x module workbooks to help implement what you’ve learnt, and for you to come back to whenever you need 


6 x live Q&A sessions


6 x live group coaching calls


A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you


Lifetime access to future Radical Transformation courses. 


Total Value: Over $5,000

As well as my experience coaching clients to overcome shit things from their past, discover what’s most important to them and finally create the life they deserve, I bring along my professional training as a certified coach to help you achieve real results from our 12 weeks together.​


“I wanted a Radical Transformation in my life and was feeling like I was being called to start living the next phase of my life, but hadn’t let go of a lot of my past life. When I met Jaci, there was an instant connection and I knew she would bring so much to my life.


Through lots of journaling and the prompts and questions in the workbooks I got in Radical Transformation, I was able to really go deep and give myself the compassion, kindness and time I so easily give to others. I lent in to the scary fear-based part of my life and that has helped me come to peace with it.

Jaci is so open and vulnerable as a coach, which really helped me show up and be honest and truthful in my answers.


Radical Transformation challenges you, but in all the ways you need to be challenged. If you want a supportive space where you are encouraged in every way, Radical Transformation is for you."


Amanda Templeton


Questions women like you have asked before joining a group coaching program for the first time...



“When do we start?”


We officially kick off on Monday 5 July 2021 with a welcome call at 6pm AEST, to get to know each other better before we dive in. Module 1 will be released on Tuesday 6 July 2021. From then on, the modules will be released every second Monday. 



"When are are the calls?"


The live Q&A calls will be every second Friday on the week that the modules are released.

The group coaching calls will be on Thursday's every other week (commencing Thursday 15th July 2021).

Note: Group coaching calls are scheduled for 6pm AEST, however depending on numbers and availability there may be an additional call in the morning. 



“What if I can’t make the live calls?”


That's completely fine. You'll be given the opportunity to ask any questions you have before the call, so you won't miss a thing. Obviously if you can make the calls you'll get more out of it and get to ask any questions that pop into your head as we are going!! You’ll have access to the replay of the coaching sessions within 24 hours. 



“What happens on the group coaching calls?”


Magic! The coaching calls are where so many golden nuggets are discovered. 


During the coaching calls, everyone has an opportunity to ask any questions about what came up for them during the week and dive further into any area they need more support with. While I completely understand that it might feel daunting to talk about personal things in front of 'strangers', let me assure you that this is a safe space. You will be completely supported, respected, seen and cheered on by everyone in the group. There will be no judgement, there is no 'stupid' question, there is no wrong or now right. This is your journey.


I can not tell you how much support and encouragement you'll get from the other women in the group. AND the beauty of coaching calls is that you learn SO much more listening to other people than if it was just you and I. 



“What happens after I sign up?”


You’ll receive a confirmation email with all the important information, including dates and times you need to know. 



“How do I know this will actually work for me?”


I’ll be real with you. This program isn’t for everyone, especially if:

   - You’re not able to get out of bed most days

   - You expect to get results without showing up and doing the work

   - You're expecting a 'quick fix' or 'miracle cure' fix to all your problems


On the other hand, this is the perfect place to be, even if:

   - You’re no stranger to anxiety and depression 

   - You’ve tried to make a change in your life before and it hasn’t worked

   - ‘Being open’ doesn’t necessarily come naturally and easily to you

   - You’re feeling self-doubt around whether you’re ‘too stuck’ for this to still be effective


At the end of the day,  if you’re willing to listen to the training, sit down with your workbook each week and attend the calls, I know you’ll experience life-changing results. That’s the power of this program. I can promise you that. 



“I have another question.”


No problem – send an email to and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

"I had recently been triggered by a situation that brought up some childhood trauma and I knew Radical Transformation was going to support me process this. It felt liberating to sit down and ask myself some important questions that I had never asked myself before.


I feel like I have taken a big step towards doing something really good for myself in order to achieve what my heart desires the most and that’s inner peace and deep love for who I am and who I was born to be. 


Jaci was so good at listening to myself and the ladies. I always felt completely supported during our calls and her suggestions and advice was absolutely on point. I felt so heard, seen and valued!


I thoroughly enjoyed Radical Transformation and it felt like I had a lot of supportive sisters on this journey with me. It was such a healing experience and I’ve noticed that I am so much kinder to myself than I was before."


Jovana Maaka


Pssst..I see you there


You’ve made it here to the bottom of the page and you’re still reading (Cool! I do that too.)


That fact that you’ve stuck around tells me that a couple of things might be going on for you right now:

  1. You’ve been reading along and thinking, “Damn! Can this person read my mind? This sounds like it was made for me!”, which leads you to think…

  2. “Shit, am I ready for this?" The thought of joining is stirring up a bit (ok — a lot) of fear.


I want to let you know: that’s totally normal, you’re in the right place and I've got you.


It’s ok to feel scared. Let’s face it — changing your life is scary. It means...CHANGE. And that always feels like a pretty big deal, doesn’t it?


But I want to offer you these words of wisdom (which I’m sure you’d come across if you spent enough time scrolling quotes on Instagram…) 


If you want to live a life you've never lived, you have to do things you've never done.


That life you dream of for yourself, deep down (even if your not totally sure what it looks like)— it is *SO* possible for you.


So if you want to


 âœ” stop feeling stuck in self-doubt


 âœ” increase your confidence


 âœ” break free from the negative thoughts, feelings and experiences that seem to follow you everywhere, and


 âœ” move forward in your life with more ease, power and joy...


I know the Transformation Immersion can get you there.


You’ve made it through so much in your life already. 


You’ve got more strength and resilience than you realise.


You’re incredible and you've got this!!


Even if you’re struggling to believe in yourself and your ability to get results that stick, start with knowing this: I believe in you and I'm here to support you.


The choice is yours to make. I really hope I see you inside.



$1,299 AUD

One time payment


JOIN THE  Transformation Immersion

6 x module workshops 


6 x module workbooks to help implement what you’ve learnt, and for you to come back to whenever you need 


6 x live Q&A sessions


6 x live group coaching calls


A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you


Lifetime access to future Radical Transformation courses. 


Total Value: Over $5,000

6 x module workshops 


6 x module workbooks to help implement what you’ve learnt, and for you to come back to whenever you need 


6 x live Q&A sessions


6 x live group coaching calls


A Private Facebook community with access to Jaci, live coaching and community support from other amazing women just like you


Lifetime access to future Radical Transformation courses. 


Total Value: Over $5,000


      3 x $449 AUD 


6 x $225 AUD

Monthly Payments

Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy


We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging

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