AWESOME! You’re ready to start taking care of YOU!
Thank you for signing up for 'Self-Care in Iso'. It should be in your inbox right now!
'Self-care in Iso' is going to provide you with so many tips so you can look after yourself and get your creative juices flowing so you don’t lose your mind. It’s also going to help you get to know yourself better than ever before!
Speaking of which...
If you’ve noticed negativity creeping into the way you think and feel, and you’ve got no idea why, or how to stop it… Here’s something else to get you through.
From Self-Doubt & Negative Behaviour to Self-Trust and Self-Love
Journal Prompts for Shadow Work
$7 for the next 48 hours!
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Get to know the unknown… and get curious.
Shadow Work
Been thinking and reacting really badly to people and situations?
Have you started doing your old *bad* habits again?
Maybe you’re eating badly, not exercising, getting angry with your family, saying really nasty things to yourself or consuming too much social media - which makes you feel like shit.
Yep, I hear you!
Iso-life is challenging.
We humans love to be in *control* of our life. We like to know what’s going on, or at least know that we can do what we want when we want.
Which is definitely NOT the case at the moment.
No one knows how long the world is going to be affected by Covid-19.
No one knows how long we are going to be told to “STAY HOME”.
No one knows what’s going to happen next.
Which (drumroll please 🥁) is the perfect playground for our
shadow to rear her head!
These prompts will help you
break free of your *old* habits
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Jaci is an amazing coach and helps you feel safe and empowered to make changes in your life.
I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life, was struggling with things I couldn’t control and my reactions to situations. Jaci believed in me, encouraged me and really supported me which made me feel like I could finally work on my happiness again.
There were tough moments and it was hard, but by taking the time to work on myself I noticed huge changes. I no longer try and control everything in my life, I respond to difficult situations better and the relationship with my husband has improved which means we are communicating better than ever. My boss has also noticed a huge change in me and loves my positivity.
Tejana Abbott

What if you could get really comfortable with the parts of *you*, you try to ignore?
Your shadow is everything you can’t (or don’t want to) see in yourself.
Your shadow is the part of *YOU* that you ignore. The part of you that you *pretend* doesn’t exist.
✔ Telling yourself you aren’t worthy
✔ Projecting your feelings onto other people
✔ Always being *happy* or *good* - even when you feel like crap
✔ Procrastinating
✔ Dreaming about people who have hurt you
✔ Getting mad with someone you really dislike…..
You do all of these things, but you don’t know you’re doing it.
You wake up and feel anxious, frustrated, agitated, mad or annoyed…
You wake up feeling good, but as the day goes on you feel more and more agitated…
The person you dislike.. Take a look at them, chances are you don’t like them because they represent parts of YOU that you don’t like.
But Why?
Here’s the guide…
To help you become *aware* of what you hide from and approach it with curiosity.
(all you need to do is ask yourself a few questions)
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Jaci helped me achieve my goals and helped me realise what I am capable of.
I was lacking motivation, feeling angry, irritable and lacked structure. I wanted to improve my life and feel like me again. I was nervous before I started with Jaci, but as soon as we spoke, we clicked. She is passionate, kind, funny and motivating and I felt she really understood and supported me.
The biggest change I’ve made is motivation. I’m going to the gym again, I’m eating better, I’m calmer and being nicer to my family and feeling better within myself. My hubby says that I’m the happy one now!
Karly Willis

In this easy to use journal guide...
You’ll get prompts to help you work through:

Feeling Anxious
or Uneasy
Not Feeling
Good Enough
Feeling Sad /
Needing Love

Nothing ever goes Right..
(Self-sabotage / procrastination)


Putting Yourself
While remaining in the comfort of your own home - or anywhere else that feels good for you.
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