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The free masterclass to teach you how to bravely navigate your relationships and work, and call on more power & strength than you ever knew existed.

This FREE Masterclass is for you if…

✨ The idea of expressing your emotions and feelings petrifies you

✨ Your past has made you to believe that it isn’t safe to speak your mind and you move through life with the “just get on with it” attitude, despite knowing that this makes you feel worse

✨ You keep hearing people talk about the power of vulnerability and you want to believe this - but your inner critic tells you that you’ll get hurt if you’re open with others

✨ You are so ready to set solid boundaries and be able to express your needs without feeling like a burden or *needy*

✨ You’re ready to cultivate self-trust so you can live bravely and show up in the world as YOU

Have you been part of my challenges or masterclasses before?


If you have, you’ll know that I don’t muck around when it comes to delivering high value, easy to understand, actionable and practical advice (with no fluff because we all like to get straight to the point).

This masterclass will teach you a concept that will allow you to transform your life and how you show up for yourself, your relationships and your work.

You have to be brave to embrace the fear of the unknown and express yourself freely… and this masterclass will help you do just that.


During this masterclass, I’m going to take you on a journey that will empower you to show up every day as the person you want to be. 


It’s not about having all the answers. 

It’s not about knowing the outcome of every situation. 

It’s not about knowing what other people will say. 


It’s about being brave and trusting yourself.


I know you want to feel seen, heard and valued in all areas of your life….

It’s so normal to want to feel seen and understood by those closest to you and to feel completely free to express yourself unapologetically. 


The problem is, society tells us to stay silent, to get on with it and ‘toughen up’...


Because of this we tell ourselves that we shouldn’t be ourselves… well… 


This masterclass is going to empower you to say “hell no” to the concept of staying silent and a giant “fuck yes” to showing up and expressing your true self … and so much more.


I’m going to be running this masterclass twice because I know some of you ladies have to work during the day (when you sign up you choose which one you will be attending)


Wednesday 9th June 1:00pm AEST

Thursday 10th June 7:30pm AEST




I love seeing your face (rather than talking to myself on a screen) and I want you to get the most out of this, so we’ll be hanging out on Zoom. 

Note: You’ll be sent the link closer to the day



I’ll be sharing with you: 

  • How to move through the fear of expressing yourself

  • How to be courageous and show up for yourself in a way you never have before

  • How to move past old thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck


About this FREE Masterclass


Hi, I’m Jaci! Transformation Coach who works with women who have experienced traumatic events in the past that still impacts the way they live their life today. My clients are ready to change their internal dialogue, let go of all the past sabotaging patterns and break through the barriers that are holding them back from achieving their dream life and a happiness they definitely deserve.

My mission is to help womxn feel completely confident in who they are and not be afraid to show up in the world as exactly who they are. I care about you and what’s happened in the past... but I don’t care about the things you’ve done that you still carry guilty and shame over. Chances are, I’ve done the same... or worse.  

As a country girl at heart and fitness fanatic, if I’m not chatting away on Zoom with my peeps, you’ll find me outdoors or exercising. I’m also a big fan of down-time and rest, so an afternoon with a good book, netflix or a nap are definitely not off the table. 


You want to join but can't attend the lives? No problem, make sure you register and I'll send you the replay.




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