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Ignite Your Inner Warrior

A FREE 3 day challenge to teach you a tried and proven method that will help you navigate any of life's problems, meaning you feel excited about the future and feel truly confident in every area of your life.

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Let me guess...

You’ve realised that there needs to be a change in your life, that something needs to shift, because how you’re living right now just isn’t cutting it.


But if you’re really honest with yourself, it’s a struggle. You’re trying SO hard to create lasting change, but why is it so hard?! You make some progress and then you’re right back where you started. 

💫 The habits you’re trying to shake, they’re great for a period of time, then something happens and you’re back doing the same thing again. 


💫 The drama you’re trying to remove from your life, you’re good at avoiding it for a few days, then something annoys you and boom, you’re right back in the drama wheel. 


💫 You know that there are pieces of your past controlling the way you show up and limiting the range of emotions you allow yourself to feel. What if these parts of your life become just that, a part of who you are, a part of your story, something that has made you stronger, more resilient and the person you are today… rather than something that defines who you are? 

What if you could learn a method that would support you to navigate ANY obstacle that life threw at you? 


What if I could show you how you can support yourself ALWAYS and really start to transform your mindset, your self-belief and your life? 

In my signature program, Ignite Your Inner Warrior, I coach and mentor my clients in a way that allows them to deeply connect with themselves, discover what’s missing and realise that they can actually live a life that allows them to feel deeply grounded, content and at ease with who they are and what they want. 


This is not an overnight process (if only)… 


This program combines elements of teaching, coaching, mentoring and energy work. 


And I want to give you a little sneak peek into how magical and life changing this level of support can be.

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This Challenge is for you if… 

    You know there is something missing. Maybe you know what it is or maybe you don’t, but either way you know there is more to life than how you’re currently feeling. There has to be, right? 

    You constantly find yourself reacting to situations and you wish you were able to *respond* in a way that feels calm and balanced, rather than spur of the moment bursts that you later regret or put you in a state of anxiety

    You’d love to say “See ya later” to that inner critic, the self-doubt, the voice inside that constantly tells you you’re not good enough and you can’t do that… 

​    You are ready to find your inner warrior. To feel strong, fierce, grounded and confident in who you are and the decisions you make. You want to shine from within and feel a flame of excitement knowing that you’ve got your back and life gets to be really fucking good! 

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What's Included:

This challenge will see you enter with a problem, issue or something that has been causing you tension, and by the end of the 3 days, the way you view this will have completely shifted. 


To the point you might even question why it felt like such a big deal to start with, and why you weren’t able to move past it earlier…  


While I’ll be teaching and sharing so much goodness with you, you will also have the opportunity to be coached and supported by me. For FREE! 

Tuesday 4th July - 12pm AEST

Acknowledge & Release


The most important part to growth and healing! 

I’ll be sharing how you can do both of these in a way that feels supportive and like you’re moving forward, rather than feeling like you’ve just made everything worse. 


Wednesday 5th July - 12pm AEST

Self-Care & Mindset


You want to make permanent change? These two are a MUST. 

You’ll learn how mindset is more than just what you think and that self-care isn’t just meditations and bubble baths. 


Thursday 6th July - 12pm AEST

Connection, Trust, Surrender & Empowered Action 


Ooof what a day. 

Today you’ll uncover how you can lean into trust in a powerful, supportive way and how to make the most aligned decisions and future steps. 

These days will be delivered in a short, sharp way so they won’t take up too much of your time. The timing of each day is VERY intentional (will explain more about that later), and if you can’t be there with us live, you will have access to the replay.  


If you’ve been part of my challenges, masterclasses or online events before, you’ll know that I don’t muck around. 


We go deep and we get results. I deliver high value, high quality and easy to understand advice so you can see a change instantly. 


This challenge is no different. Except it’s going to be even better because as I grow as a coach, so does what I share. 


I want you to know that you can achieve the results you want and I am going to support you to do just that. 


I’ve also created a bonus workbook for you to use throughout our time together. A space for you to make notes and implement the daily actions you’ll be tasked with. You MUST be registered to receive the workbook.

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Hey there, I'm Jaci!


If we haven't already met, I'm a Certified  Transformation,  Mindset & Energy Coach for wounded warriors.


I work with the big hearted women who have experienced trauma or adversity in the past and their wounds still run deep. I support them as they can connect with their Inner Warrior and reignite their internal flame so they are able to move beyond their internal blocks and create a life where nothing can get in their way.

As a wounded warrior myself, I know how judgemental we can become of our own thoughts, feelings and emotions and how much we try to hide of blend in to our surroundings. I also know how completely liberating it is when we do embrace our emotions, honouring the challenges that can arise when we embark on this journey. 


I’ve let go of trying to be anything other than what and who I am and it ABSOLUTELY LIGHTS ME UP when I’m able to support women to move past the barriers and blocks holding them back so they can do exactly the same.

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We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging

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