
Thank you for completing your questionnaire
you incredible human
You're a big hearted human who wants to create a life for yourself.
You’re committed to your growth and putting yourself first, and despite this maybe not being your reality in the past, you’re here because you’re ready to change that story. You’re ready to embrace yourself and I’m tipping, as scary as it is, you want to get to know yourself on a cellular level. To increase your self awareness, to change your programming and say yes to living a life that you love and that you actually want to live.
Below there is a free meditation and some resources that will help you get to know me a little better and also support you on your journey
You Are
I mean it. I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to complete the questionnaire. This helps me understand ways that I can support you, but also allows me to get to know you better as well.
I am someone who loves genuine connections because I know how meaningful and valuable they are.
A Calming Meditation
Stop and breathe.
Take a moment to be in the here and now and know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
It is safe to sit in stillness and to hear your thoughts.
Allow yourself to take a moment to connect with yourself and what you most want for yourself.
You are safe and you are needed.
My dreams and desires are here to support and guide me. No longer will I silence myself and my intuition for the sake of others. I now choose to embrace the parts of me that I have kept hidden and embrace them. I am a magical human who can bring all of my dreams to life.
Hi There...
I’m Jaci, a Certified Transformation & Mindset Coach, Mama to a beautiful little boy, energy coach in training, soul searcher, space holder and adventure lover.
I realise that we can sometimes get so caught up in official bio’s and titles that we forget that beyond the business owner we are humans. I am a multifaceted human who loves so many different things.
I love adventure AND I love to stay home.
I love going out for dinner AND I love a healthy home cooked meal.
I love eating well AND I love treats.
I love exercising AND I really enjoy days on the couch.
I love deep self discovery AND I love tuning out and going with the flow.
I use my life experience and extensive training and knowledge to support big hearted humans break free from there subconscious conditioning and wake up their senses so they can finally let go of everything holding them back and embrace their own magic.
I know that you are unique and that’s why I do not believe there is a ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to personal growth, self awareness and intuition. You are you and your path will be different to everyone elses.
I love supporting people move through their people pleasing ways, let go of their fear of judgement and really tune in to who they are, what they wants and how damn worthy they are of having exactly that. Everyone is worthy of creating and living a life that makes them feel really fucking good, and I want that for you.
I am so thrilled that you’re here and I can’t wait to support you break through those barriers that are holding you back so you can bring your big vision to life. You deserve that and I can’t wait to be a part of it.

Discover Your Emotional Superpower
The FREE workshop to help you uncover your authentic power so you can rise into the woman you were born to be.
I see you. I know you are fed up with some of the messaging out there and what you most want is to feel really good about yourself and your life.
You’re sick of being told you’re ‘too sensitive’ or too much.
You’re fed up with people telling you that you MUST do things a certain way in order to achieve the results you want.
You’re over doubting yourself and talking yourself out of doing the things you want to do.
You know that fear takes over whenever you start to step outside your comfort zone, so you stay where you are. Despite not feeling great.
Or maybe you feel like you don’t fit in. Like people don’t get you, so you just try and blend in.
You are ready to embrace yourself as the incredible human that you are, and discover your own Authentic Superpower.
Not another workshop…
I know life feels like it’s disappearing and there are so many things you ‘should’ be doing that you just can’t find the time.
You’ve attended online workshops or masterclasses before and been so disappointed and let down, that you’re starting to think, whats the point. Same!!
I hate signing up for a workshop to sit there for 30 minutes as the host talks about themselves or something that is NOT what I want to hear about.
Or even better, when they tell you what you’ll get out of the workshop, yet you sit there for an hour only to discover that you have to join something else to actually get what they’ve promised.
I’m not here for that.
So, my promise is that this workshop is going to open your eyes to all of your magic and allow you to tap into and use your emotional superpower to transform the way you approach your goals.
I will also be LIVE with you, so you can be supported by me.
Which is why I’m inviting you to join me on Wednesday 25th May at 7pm AEST.
What’s Your Personal Development Style?
The way you learn is unique to you, and may be very different to the people around you.
Want to know what your own unique personal development style is?
Take my FREE QUIZ now.
Who doesn’t love a fun quiz!
We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging