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The online event where you connect with and discover who your inner warrior is, what that means and how you can ignite her inner flame and power. 

Despite what society may have you believe, a warrior does not have to be fierce. She does not have to be ready to fight. She does not even need to feel like she’s got her own back all the time. 


Warriors, as with all humans, are unique. 


They encompass their own unique brilliance. 


They are sovereign and authentic and are so needed in this world just as they are. 


What would it feel like to allow yourself to deeply connect with and meet your warrior? 


What would change if you allowed yourself to embrace: your softness, your introvertedness, your quietness, your beliefs, your strengths, your quirks, your voice, your fears, your desires and everything else that is inside you? 

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Do you hear people talk about their inner warrior and you have no f*cking idea what they’re talking about?


Do you automatically see an image of Xena: Warrior Princess and think “I’m nothing like that!”? (this reference may show just how old I am) 

What if we removed all of the preconceived ideas and stereotypes that tell us what a ‘warrior’ is, and just allowed ourselves to stop, pause, take a breath and open ourselves up to our own internal truth… 

During our time together, we’ll go on a journey where you step out of your current physical body and allow yourself to truly step into a world of deep connection with who you are. 

You’ll meet the truest version of yourself (your inner warrior) in a way that is only possible when you allow yourself to let go of what you ‘think’ you know and trust in the unknown.

This experience will see you connect with, have conversation with and learn from the truest version of yourself. 

The version of you that:

     Isn’t bound by societal conditioning

     Isn’t hindered by the pain and fears you carry from your past

     Believes you are worthy of everything you desire just because you are you 

     Wants to share some internal wisdom with you that will only reveal itself when you’re really willing to listen. 

This event is for you if...

     You know there’s more to life than how you’re currently living

     You feel there is a disconnect between how you show up in the world and who you really are

     You’re ready to dive deeper into your self exploration so that you can enhance every element of your life

     You feel like there’s a message or something inside that you haven’t been able to tap into and connect with 

     You want to know who you are and what your warrior has to share.

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Now is the time to meet yourself

To remove the confines you've been limiting yourself to and uncover how you can show up in your life, every day, in a way that feels honest powerful and inspired.

It's time to Meet Your Inner Warrior


Here is everything you need to know: 


When: Tuesday 13th June 2023

Time: 7.30pm AEST

Where: Live on Zoom

Cost: $27 AUD

This is an experience that I encourage you to attend live to get the most out of it. However, if you really want to experience this but can’t make it on the 1st, there will be a replay available. 

There is also a beautiful surprise for everyone that attends this event live. A little gift to continue to support you on your journey after this event is over.

It’s amazing what we discover and learn about ourselves when we give ourselves the time and space to be nowhere but in the present moment. 


To step out of our busy mind and be a spectator of ourselves. To listen to what is beneath the surface and allow whatever needs to come forward to reveal itself. 


This is a space where you are deeply held and supported while you allow yourself to go deeper than you have before in order to connect with, discover and meet yourself. Just as you are. 


There are no expectations in this space. You are not asked to be anyone other than who you are and your message is going to be uniquely yours. 


And that my friend, is brilliant! 


We need more uniqueness. More trust in ourselves. More people to show up in this world as their own warrior!


This is a journey I can not wait to support you on. 


I am so excited for you (and I) to meet your inner warrior. 

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Hey there, I'm Jaci!


If we haven't already met, I'm a Certified  Transformation,  Mindset & Energy Coach for wounded warriors.


I work with the big hearted women who have experienced trauma or adversity in the past and their wounds still run deep. I support them as they can connect with their Inner Warrior and reignite their internal flame so they are able to move beyond their internal blocks and create a life where nothing can get in their way.

As a wounded warrior myself, I know how judgemental we can become of our own thoughts, feelings and emotions and how much we try to hide of blend in to our surroundings. I also know how completely liberating it is when we do embrace our emotions, honouring the challenges that can arise when we embark on this journey. 


I’ve let go of trying to be anything other than what and who I am and it ABSOLUTELY LIGHTS ME UP when I’m able to support women to move past the barriers and blocks holding them back so they can do exactly the same.

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We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging

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