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Breaking Habits

The online event to help you uncover your hidden patterns that are holding you back from reaching your fullest potential

Paper Diary

This event is for you if you experience any of the following...

When things are going well, it just never seems to last as long as you'd like - You're in a great place with your partner and now you're fighting again

Despite asking for help from others you always find yourself doing everything yourself - You've asked family to help you with household chores but they're either not doing them or not to your standard so you do it yourself

Managing conflict and difficult situations in a supportive way is something you can only dream about - Someone at work is frustrating you and whenever you try to broach the subject it turns into an argument 

You avoid difficult conversations for fear of it escalating into an argument - There are so many things you really want to communicate with a loved one, but you fear it'll escalate into a fight so you continue avoid it, which doesn't support you

You find yourself being really reactive to certain situations and really wish you were able to feel more calm when these arise - You receive feedback and you instantly take it as a criticism

You constantly sabotage yourself - no matter what's happening, you do something that makes it harder and stops you from moving forward - You want to feel healthier and more vibrant but you just can't put down the chocolate... 

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At the end of the day, change doesn’t feel sustainable. You seem to start off strong in breaking habits and shifting things in your world, only to find yourself feeling like your playing a never ending game of snakes and ladders… 4 steps forward and 10 steps back. 


What if it didn’t have to be this way?

Come and join me for this eye opening event that will support you to break the habits holding you back

Ever wondered why it feels so god damn hard to make changes in your life?

Whether it’s diet, exercise, mindset, managing emotions, identifying and removing triggers or anything in between, sometimes it feels like banging your head against a brick wall would be easier and more productive **sigh**


We spend 95% of our days in our subconscious mind, meaning we have all these sneaky little patterns playing out without us even realising. Basically, unless we’re consciously focused on something (usually a new skill) we are living life on autopilot. 


So it’s no wonder it can be so challenging to break our existing habits and make lasting change. Let alone do it with ease.

You might be at a place where you notice there’s some small, subtle blocks or barriers that are keeping you stuck playing out the same patterns. Not enough to impact you too greatly, but if you’re honest, your fed up with it and it’s annoying the sh*t out of you.. Like really, why is it so hard? 



Maybe you’ve identified that your block is because of something really significant. Your past trauma and the way it’s impacting your life is stopping you from truly shining and breaking free of the hold it has on you.

Let’s go on a journey together so you can finally uncover the habits and patterns of behaviour that are holding you back from moving forward with life and ultimately achieving your goals. 


This is a journey where you will be guided through an experience that will reveal YOUR truth, allowing you to discover what it is YOU need.  


This is when AHA moments happen.

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Here is everything you need to know: 


When: Sunday 21st May 2023

Time: 9.30am AEST

Where: Live on Zoom

Cost: $27 AUD

This is an experience that I encourage you to attend live to get the most out of it. However, if you really want to experience this but can’t make it on the, there will be a replay available. 

What happens when you’re able to shift the way you show up for yourself?


You create incredible change and a new found confidence. 


You allow yourself to see the sneaky patterns and habits that are ruining your life, and in turn, get really curious with why they're there and how you can shift them.


Imagine if you KNEW when an unsupportive pattern or habit was showing up and how to shift away form the old outdated cycles that have been playing out in your life. 

This is going to be an incredibly insightful journey, and one that is usually only available to my amazing clients. 


My wish is that you walk away from our time together with a deeper understanding of who you are and what makes you tick, so you can create the life you've always dreamt of.  


It’s time to uncover your hidden patterns and break the habits so you can reach your fullest potential.


I can’t wait to see you there. 

Hey there, I'm Jaci!


If we haven't already met, I'm an Award Winning Transformation, Mindset & Energy Coach for Wounded Warriors.


I work with the big hearted women who have experienced trauma or adversity in the past and their wounds still run deep. I support them as they can connect with their Inner Warrior and reignite their internal flame so they are able to move beyond their internal blocks and create a life where nothing can get in their way.

As a wounded warrior myself, I know how judgemental we can become of our own thoughts, feelings and emotions and how much we try to hide of blend in to our surroundings. I also know how completely liberating it is when we do embrace our emotions, honouring the challenges that can arise when we embark on this journey. 


I’ve let go of trying to be anything other than what and who I am and it ABSOLUTELY LIGHTS ME UP when I’m able to support women to move past the barriers and blocks holding them back so they can do exactly the same.


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We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging

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