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trust your triggers

A free masterclass to help you identify, understand and move through your triggers in a way that allows you to expand in ways you didn’t even know were possible.

Let’s be real, triggers are not a fun time! 


I know you’ve experienced them and maybe wondered if you’re *overreacting* or downplayed it as *just being tired*...


So what if instead of working yourself into a tizz, you actually understood what was happening in your body and your brain?


There’s a fear or resistance to really exploring what causes you to be triggered, which means that every time it happens your internal walls get higher and higher. This is stopping you from living a life of ease and expansion. 


What if it didn’t have to be this way? 


What if your triggers were actually the key to you unlocking the freedom, ease and abundance you’ve been craving?!


Maybe some of these feel true for you: 


You know there are certain things that *set you off* but maybe you don’t know why

You’ve tried to go deeper and figure out what’s happening beneath the surface, but you find yourself spiralling, so you stop and assume that it’s always going to be this way 

Or maybe you’ve had *moments* or experiences where you feel like you’ve been completely out of control, your body’s doing all sorts of weird shit and you have no idea why. 


So, whether you're aware of your triggers, or have no idea what they’re all about, this masterclass is designed to help you understand YOUR triggers from a deeper level so that you can start to shift the intensity and make your triggers work FOR you. 


Curious to know more? 

During our time together, we’re going to look at:


What triggers *actually* are and how they show up for you

The misconception and stigmas around triggers that are keeping you stuck

Why triggers are actually fucking awesome and how to use them to your advantage



When: Thursday 14 November, 7pm AEDT

Where: Zoom (you’ll be sent the link closer to the day)

What to bring: a pen, notepad and anything that makes you feel comfortable (candle, water, tea, oracle cards)


Show up live and you’ll also receive a bonus workbook.


When you have the tools and strategies to really explore your triggers in a way that allows you to expand beyond the fear that arises with them, you open a magical portal to self discovery and connection


This masterclass is going to give you practical steps that allow you to walk away from our time together feeling empowered and curious about triggers, knowing that you can support yourself no matter what happens. 


Ready to transform those triggers?


Hey there, I'm Jaci!


If we haven't already met, I'm an Award Winning Transformation, Mindset & Energy Coach for Wounded Warriors.


I work with the big hearted women who have experienced trauma or adversity in the past and their wounds still run deep and impact their lives.


I support them as they can connect with their Inner Warrior and reignite their internal flame so they are able to move beyond their internal blocks and create a life where nothing can get in their way.


​As a wounded warrior myself, I know how judgemental we can become of our own thoughts, feelings and emotions and how much we try to hide of blend in to our surroundings. I also know how completely liberating it is when we do embrace our emotions, honouring the challenges that can arise when we embark on this journey.


I’ve let go of trying to be anything other than what and who I am and it ABSOLUTELY LIGHTS ME UP when I’m able to support women to move past the barriers and blocks holding them back so they can do exactly the same.

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We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging

Terms & Conditions

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We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging

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