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You’ve committed to yourself and now there’s no slowing you down! 


You’ve showed up for yourself during True Self Experience, you’ve worked through the shit, you’ve uncovered your limiting beliefs and you are now SO ready and committed to your own growth and ultimately, your unwavering happiness. 


You know the shifts that can happen in your life when you actually show up for yourself, and you realise that you don’t have to carry around any more guilt or shame for what’s happened in the past. In fact, you are starting to see that the things that once held you back, are actually the things that make you as strong as you are. 


You’re ready for greatness and to call in: 

Unshakable confidence in who you are. 

A deep-inner knowing that you are worthy of EVERYTHING you desire. 

Abundance beyond your wildest dreams. 

Genuine happiness that makes your heart smile

The ability to go after everything you want, knowing that your relationships, career, self care and ultimate JOY all have the potential to feel amazing.

You are ready to show up in this world as your unapologetic self


You know the work it takes to create the happiness you’ve always dreamed of, you know that there’s mindset work to be done, you know that you need to show up and honour yourself and your feelings every single day. 


And yet, there’s still more to be done. You could do it alone… but you also know that by having someone to hold you accountable, your results are so much greater. 


You need direction, an intimate group of women ready to commit alongside you, and a coach you already trust who has done this for herself.



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An exclusive invite only mastermind for women who are ready to take their lives to the next level so they can live their lives with ease, joy and show up in the world as their unapologetic self. 


This isn’t just for anyone. It’s for specific women who have shown up for themselves even when it all felt too hard, and they’re committed to creating everlasting change. 


This isn’t a learning experience where I teach you, this is a deep bespoke coaching experience tailored to YOU and your needs.

The Self-Empowered Mastermind is for you if…


You’re ready to build on your already solid foundations: think more ease, more self-trust and more happiness

You’ve been doing the mindset work, and now you’re ready to take it up a notch because you know there’s more to be done. You’re ready to fully commit to yourself and your happiness in order to create the life you dream of

You want to start living your dream life. You’ve felt the calling for so long that you are destined for more, for greatness, and now it’s time to achieve that. 

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The investment for the Self-Empowered Mastermind is $550 AUD per month for 6 months. Limited to 5 people. 


Only $200 AUD is requested as a deposit to secure your placement, with payments commencing when the Self-Empowered Mastermind begins (July 2022).


Upfront and alternate payment arrangements are available.

** Discount applies for upfront payments **

What’s included?




You won’t see transformations and lasting change like you will from being coached by me 1:1. 


This is where we sit down together and set individual goals for YOU! Over the 6 months, we work together 1:1 to get crystal clear on exactly what you want for yourself and work together to achieve it. 


I very rarely offer 1:1 coaching anymore, so this is the main place to work with me 1:1. These are monthly calls.





As you know, so much magic happens in the fortnightly calls. You’re empowered by like minded women who all want the same for themselves. All want the best for themselves. 

You know that in these calls it is safe for you to show up AS EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE. 


You’ll be supported through the ups, the downs, the tears and the empowered action. 



Instead of being supported by me only 2 days a week, you now have access to me 5-days a week - Monday - Friday. You can send me messages up to 3mins long each day with whatever questions and whatever support you need. 


One thing I've heard is how much you loved the daily journal prompts in TSE, so I'm going to continue with daily journal prompts throughout SEM so you can come back to you and receive guidance every day.



When we start, you’ll be asked what you most want to learn more about. From there, I will source someone who I respect and deem an expert in their field and bring them to you to teach, share and learn everything you want to know. 



If there is something you want me to share more on that we aren't able to discuss in our calls, I will create and tailor specific training for you, based on your needs. 




You are all on this journey together. You’ve overcome SO much, and you’ve all been there for each other. You’re all ready to commit to YOU and your happiness and you know that these women have your back 100%. 

The journey doesn’t have to stop. 


As I started to deepen my knowledge of myself and commit more to my own personal development, I knew I was destined for more. Through my journey, the drive, determination and passion for helping other women achieve true happiness and discover their true self gets even stronger. 


And I know you feel this too. I know you’re ready to go all in and believe you are worthy of greatness.


Join me. It’s time for you to take the next step in your journey and join the Self-Empowered Mastermind. 


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We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging

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