You are an
You thrive most when you have all of the information in front of you and are able to apply research and logic to what you are learning. You want to know everything before you say “Yes”.
As an Information Genie, you always have a lamp full of information that you can refer back to. When you are learning something new, you love knowing and understanding the research, education and facts behind it, which supports you to know that what you’re learning is ‘safe’.
You understand that not everything is created from research and academia, however when you learn a new concept you’ll have a Google sesh and read all of the information so you feel most informed. You enjoy being part of a group, but are just as motivated to learn by yourself, because it means you can nerd out in all of the ways you love without worrying about what anyone else will say.
You have your own way of learning and you love it. You enjoy reading and taking extra time to go ‘all-in’ on whatever it is you are doing.
Time & space for you to research, read and get completely lost in the facts
Open and honest conversations with those closest to you where you know you can say whatever you’ve recently learnt and they’ll want to know more
Personal Development that incorporates readings, worksheets, instruction and structure
The ability to listen and learn from other people and then make it your own based on what you know to be true
A deep inner knowing that you are completely supported in your life by both yourself and those closest to you
Things to be mindful of when diving into personal development and transformational work.
You absolutely love sinking your teeth into the ‘behind the scenes’ of what you’re learning, so much so that you can often go down the rabbit hole until you find evidence to support you. As much as you get that ‘winning’ feeling when you find what you’re looking for, be mindful that you aren’t closed off to other ideas and learnings that may differ from what you’ve read about.
You love using your brain, getting lost in information and enjoy the extra reading you always do. However, this can sometimes mean that you are missing out on important golden nuggets that are being shared in a different way. Sometimes the best thing you can do, is to stop and listen to what is being shared, and learn from peoples’ experiences, rather than always needing to find the answers in a book or on the internet.
As an Information Genie you are highly intelligent, which is an incredible trait to have. But remember - not all people have the same learning style as you. Try not to judge people because they learn differently or they want to hear real life stories rather than research. People see you as intelligent and may be a little intimidated by all that you know, so be kind and humble when sharing with those who don’t know you deeply.
Remember: not everyone will understand your fascination with research and reading and may pass judgement without thinking how it will impact you. Nevertheless, keep trusting in yourself because you know that having additional information supports you, so stay true to you.
If you find yourself spending too long going down the rabbit hole to find the answers externally, ask yourself:
What do I know to be true already?
How can I relate this learning to my own life?
How can I find the answers within myself?
How can I trust my intuition more?
You may want to avoid learning or teachings that don’t seem to provide ‘research’ or ‘facts’ behind where what is being taught comes from, meaning you could possibly miss out on some magical growth and learnings. Allow yourself the time to explore *ALL* learning techniques and then choose what feels best for you. If something doesn’t make sense, ask questions and look it up, because you can adapt all learnings to suit you.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to personal development. Because ultimately, it is PERSONAL. It is yours. So trust that whatever you are doing it what YOU are meant to be doing.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how quickly you can take action when you need to by trusting yourself a little bit more without needing to find all of the answers externally. You are more powerful and knowledgeable than you realise.
You’ve discovered your personal development style… now what?
It’s time to truly embrace everything about yourself and bring all of your knowledge together so you can transform your life and shake off anything that keeps you playing small.
Fully embracing your true self is only a short way away if you start trusting yourself today.
Here’s how to do that…
Aligned Habits Workshop
Now that you’ve had an inside sneak peek into your own unique personal development style, maybe you’re thinking, “this is so me, but how do I continue to move forward?”.
You move forward by breaking through any self-sabotaging behaviour that is keeping you stuck. And you do this by creating aligned habits that deeply support you and make you the boss of your life!
This FREE workshop is for you if you tick one or more of these boxes…
✨ You keep trying to uplevel your life and achieve your goals but find yourself always falling back into bad habits
✨ You are ready to shift away from a negative, doubtful and unsupportive mindset but also keep telling yourself “But it’s not possible for me to [insert what you most want here]”
✨ You want to get healthy and feel more energised, but every time you feel like you’re making progress, the chocolate or ice cream just appears in your fridge
✨ You want to prioritise self-care and joy, but by the time you’ve worked through your to-do list you’re completely exhausted
✨ You watch Netflix or scroll through your phone only to find yourself asking “Why am I wasting my time?”
Hi, I’m Jaci!
Certified Transformation Coach & Mentor to high functioning women who have experienced trauma or significant adversity in the past that still impacts the way they live their lives today.
Having experienced my own trauma throughout the years, I know how much of an impact this can have on our lives, and it takes a lot of courage and hard work to overcome the barriers that hold us back from achieving what we most want for ourselves. Which most of the time, is to feel happiness, joy and content with who we are.
I also know that we are often ready to make big changes in our lives long before we actually commit, because let’s be real… It can be petrifying. But what I’ve learnt, is that once you jump on that personal development train, you’ll never jump off, because it’s the most rewarding thing you’ll ever do for yourself.
It’s why I support women just like you, to overcome the barriers that are holding you back, remove any limiting beliefs and help you discover your true self.
My job is to be your biggest cheerleader and provide a safe space for you to explore and chat about anything you need to in order to create big shifts so that you can believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.
In this 60 minute workshop I’ll teach you & guide you through...
❣️How to create and implement aligned habits that enable you to bring your big goals to life
❣️What self-sabotage is, how it works, and how it shows up uniquely for YOU
❣️What habits are keeping you stuck and stopping you from achieving your goals
Jaci Rogash
We acknowledge the Warrandjuri people of the Kulin Nations as the traditional owners of the land where Jaci Rogash Coaching is owned and primarily operated from. We pay our deepest respect to Elders - past, present and emerging